Welcome to SIDE-B.

As an individual inherently curious and deeply fascinated by the design of elegant systems throughout human civilization and beyond, my journey began in the realm of architecture. While some might find it perplexing that a background in architectural design led me to the world of robots and AI, I see a profound philosophical connection. To me, all these disciplines embody the art and science of architecting elegant, functional, and ultimately intelligent entities. This page showcases some of the initial works that hint at this interconnected vision. Although these early projects primarily focus on the innovation and storytelling of spaces, they transcend traditional boundaries. They are explorations - unbounded, divergent, and expressive of various thoughts and ideas. These "immature" works represent the seeds of a journey that bridges creation of physical space with the dynamic world of AI and robotics. If you wish to revisit my more recent endeavors in AI and robotics research, please feel free to return to SIDE-A: AI+ROBOTICS RESEARCHER.


Erosion: Yokohama 2015 • 2065

Generative Form Design of a Port Harbor Based on Erosion Simulation of Sea Wind and Water

Princeton-Tsinghua Joint Design Studio, "Yokohama Redux"

Yuning Wu, Ananda de Vos, Liang Xu


Design Architecture with Graphs: Utilize Space Connectivity and Graph Neural Networks To Inform Layout Design

AI x Space Design

Independent Research

Yuning Wu


Playground = Heritage x Drama

The Creative Rivival of an Abandoned Shipyard Through the Lens of Theatrical Arts and Performances

Yale-Tsinghua Joint Design Studio, "Tianjin Binhai Industrial Heritage Rivival"

Yuning Wu (To be noted, the photorealistic rendering "Rhinoceros in Love" in this work is credited to Xiyao Wang)


Urban Interface

Urban Restoration Design & Research of Torino Porta Nuova

Partial Selection of Tsinghua-PoliTo Joint Master Graduation Project

Yuning Wu


Wall, Silk, Light

An Experimental Urban Reform of the Traditional Yonghegong Lama Temple & Hutong Area in Beijing Through Sunlight Installations

Tsinghua Urban Design Studio

Yuning Wu